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社團活動申請補助與核銷 Application for subsidies and write-offs for club activities

■ 法規


■ 目的


■ 對象



  1. 活動日兩星期前,經核准後始得舉辦,若於活動日後申請者,不予補助
  2. 受補助活動舉辦時間,至遲至十二月十日前辦理完畢。


  1. 活動前
  2. 活動後

■ 經費補助
















  1. 發票應填本校統一編號 03763109;單據之抬頭應填本校全名(臺北市立大學),後面不可加註社團名稱。(敘明本校名稱時,請一律使用大寫「臺」)
  2. 鐘點費及評審費 (請送領據)
  1. 禮券核銷,需檢附禮券印領清冊一份。
  2. 差旅費須檢據單據差旅報告單(差旅報告單去程所有人簽一份,回程所有人簽一份)
  3. 餐費僅能為每人每餐 100 元以下的便當費。
  4. 請勿到無營業登記之商家採購,因無法開立有效之單據。
  5. 當年度單據(收據、發票)不得於下年度核銷。
  6. 社團經費核銷均逕匯社團帳戶,請無社團帳戶的社團申請開立社團帳戶以利社費管理,申請活動時請附社團存摺影本。(開戶更名申請書 https://activity.utaipei.edu.tw/p/412-1035-7.php?Lang=zh-tw)



■ Regulations

University of Taipei Student Club Request for Subsidy and Expense Reimbursement

■ Objective

Encourage student club to actively organize activities in order to promote the vigorous development and inheritance of associations.

■ Applicant Qualifications

Student clubs which is approved to established by UT can applicate subsidies.

Application Time

  1. A club submits an application prior 2 weeks to the activity. After the reviewing is approved, can hold on an activity.
    If the club submitting an application after the activity, DSA would not give any subsidies.
  2. An activity which is requested for subsidy should done 12/10 at the latest.

Application DocumentsThese have * are necessary to be attached.

  1. Preparation Before the Event
    • Club Activity Application *
    • Club Activity PlanInclude activity appropriation budget*
    • Venue Reservation Form
    • Off-Campus Activity Application
    • Activity Notifications Regarding AffidavitFor a large-scale or intercollegiate events are necessary attached
    • Copy of Club Passbook * (The name of passbook withdraw should be incumbent club leader.)
  2. Preparation After the Event
    • Accounting of Club Activities Expenditures Revenues and ExpendituresInclude Hard Copy and PDF File*
      (When there is a solicit contributions or accept commercial sponsorship from outside the university, the funds received shall be listed for management under club expenditures.)
    • An Achievement Report for The Activity (Include Hard Copy and PDF File)*
    • Photo or video of the event, from the introduction of the event (used by the club's fan page)*
    • Recipt (If there is an application of hourly fee, please attach the receipt.)
    • Purchase Invoice *

■ Subsidy standards


Grant Amount


Club Activity Expenses

General Subsidy

Upper limit to 10,000NTD
 (If the student clubs re establish or not participating in evaluation, their grant are upper limit to 5000 NTD.)

Self-financing resources should at least 30% of the total activity expenses.

The activity which are for service should self-financing at least 10% activity expenses.

Project Grants

According to project regulations

Hourly Rate
for Club Courses


Each term teaching hour upper limit to 24 hours.

Each club instruction card can be apply upper limit to 4 hours hourly fee.

Student Club Expense Reimbursement and Precautions

  1. Uniform Invoices Purchase Certificate should be filled in Business Administration Number of UT 03763109.

Invoice Title should be filled in full name of University of Taipei臺北市立大學, and do not write the club name.
(Please notice that when stating the name of our school, please  use not  "
"but "".)

  1. Hourly Fee or Expert Assessment Fee  (Please attach receipt.)
  • Staff of UTReceipt、Money giving sheet
  • NOT Staff of UTReceiptMoney giving sheet
  1. )Write-off gift certificate should submit a copy of Money giving sheet.
  2. )Reimbursed for the travel reimbursement should submit Receipt and Travelling Allowance Report.

When going out and returning, everyone signs a form Travelling Allowance Report together

  1. )Each person has upper limit 100 NTD meal allowance.
  2. )Do not purchase from merchants without business registration, because valid receipts cannot be issued.
  3. )Documents (receipts, invoices) of the current year cannot be written off in the next year.
  4. )Association funds will be written off and remit to association account. If you do not have an association account, please apply to open an association account to facilitate the management of association expenses. Please attach a copy of the association passbook when applying for activities.
    (Post Office Account Opening and Name Change Application Form: https://activity.utaipei.edu.tw/p/412-1035-7.php?Lang=zh-tw)
    *To open a association account for the first time, please engrave the association seal first (Please engrave the seal of the association: Taipei City University + the name of the association)and bring the constitution of the association organization to the post office when opening the account.