111 年 11 月 22 日 111 學年度第 1 學期第 2 次學生事務會議通過
壹、 社團辦公室之分配及管理
(一)社團辦公室場地:每年公告二校區社團辦公室場地分配情形。 (二)開放使用時間:每日早上 8 時起至晚間 10 時。
貳、 社團辦公室財產之管理
三、學生社團財產、設備之保管,由提出申請核准購買之社團負保管之 責,並應建立社團財產、設備清冊;各社團在社團負責人交接時,須一併辦理財產、設備的移交手續。
參、 其他
111 年 0 月 0 日 111 學年度第 1 學期第 0 次學生事務會議通過
一、 為維護社團辦公室安寧與秩序,採用行為記點制度。於學生社團辦公室內發生之各項事件,經反映、檢舉查證屬實,課外活動組應依情節標準開立加點、 扣點通知單交予違反規定者收執。
二、 本規範計點累計期間為每年 6 月 1 日至隔年 5 月 31 日:
(一) 單一社團成員如扣點累計(加點、扣點相抵)達 25 點(含)以上者,該社員(會員)應不得使用社團辦公室。
(二) 扣點累計(加點、扣點相抵)達 35 點(含)以上者,課外組應對社團辦公室幹部應進行約談輔導。
(三) 如有 2 員(含)以上或期間內凡扣點累計(加點、扣點相抵)達 80 點(含)以上,不得使用該學年社團辦公室並取消下學年社團辦公室使用權
三、 社團成員於社團辦公室內從事違反校規之行為者,依本校「學生獎懲辦法」議處。
四、 學生使用社團辦公室優良暨違規事項記點標準如下:
點分數 |
加點行為 |
扣點行為 |
5 點 |
1、 發揮互助合作精神,主動協助社團學生。 2、 熱心公共事務,經社團辦公室幹部及課外組確認者。 |
1、 社團辦公室內外堆放垃圾、雜物、鞋子凌亂,經勸導未改善。 2、 存放有礙衛生物品,經勸導未改善。 3、 擅自將各項物品置放於公共區域。 4、 在社團辦公室區內有妨礙他人之聲響及行動,情節輕微。 |
10 點 |
1、 熱心通報社團辦公室危安事項。 2、 主動反映社團學生重大違規事項,經查證屬實。 3、 熱心社團辦公室公共事務,經社團幹部提報於社團大會討論通過。 |
1、 未經核准擅自更換社團辦公室。 2、 將學生證借他人使用進出社團辦公室。 3、 飼養動(寵)物。 4、 無故不參加社團辦公室重大集會。 5、 在社團辦公室區內有妨礙他人之聲響及行動,情節較重。 6、 未經允許進入他人社團辦公室者(執行公務除外)。 |
點分數 |
加點行為 |
扣點行為 |
15 點 |
1、 擅自變更或增設社團辦公室暨有設施。 2、 私自將社團辦公室內之公物移至社團辦公室外或毀棄。 3、 未經核准引進外人進入社團辦公室或社員 (會員)於社團辦公室內進行宗教及商業活動或其它影響同學安寧行為。 4、 利用社團辦公室網路從事不法之行為或違反學術網路之使用規範,情節甚微者。 5、 擅自張貼不雅字畫圖片。 6、 隨意變更社團辦公室設施或破壞公物。 |
20 點 |
1、 恐嚇他人。 2、 破壞社團辦公室重要及安全設施。 3、 其他違規行為經社團大會討論確有影響社團辦公室之事由。 |
25 點 |
1、 在社團辦公室內吸毒、販毒等犯罪行為。 2、 攜帶違禁品(如:刀、械、槍、彈、管制藥品等)進入社團辦公室。 3、 儲放危險物品、易燃物品、燃放煙火、焚燒物品。 4、 違犯法令經檢警機關偵辦在案,且涉案情節有影響社團辦公室安寧疑慮。 5、 擅自接裝或使用電器(如:電烤箱、電磁爐、微波爐、電鍋、電火鍋、電熱器、烤箱及其他高於五百瓦之電氣及瓦斯用品。 6、 在社團辦公室區飲酒、打麻將、吸菸。 7、 發生性騷擾、性平或鬥毆等嚴重事件 8、 社員如違反上列 25 點扣點行為其中一 項,該社團即不得繼續使用該學年社團辦 公室,並取消下學年社團辦公室使用權。 |
五、 本規範經學生事務會議通過後實施。
社員(會員)姓名 |
學號 |
社團名稱 |
發生時間 |
年 月 日 時 分 |
發生地點 |
記點事由 |
加點行為: 5 點, 10 點, 15 點, 20 點, 25 點扣點行為: 5 點, 10 點, 15 點, 20 點, 25 點 |
處置建議 |
依本校學生社團辦公室優良暨違規事項記點規範標準辦理,予以辦理。加點____分,扣點____分。 |
社員(會員) (當事人簽名) |
社長(會長) |
學務處課外活動組 |
學務長 |
University of Taipei
Directions of Student Club Office and Property Management
The Guidelines for the Student Club Offices and Management Properties (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) of University of Taipei were established in accordance with the Guidelines for Student Association Activities (Chapter 4:"Club Activities";).
All student government organizations and clubs (including departmental associations) should follow these guidelines.
- Allocation and Management of Club Offices
- Student clubs may apply for the allocation of club offices due to the needs of club activities. The EAD may decide on the allocation of office space in accordance with the type of clubs.
- Club Office spaces and opening hours
- Community Office Space: he club office space allocation is announced annually at Bo-Ai and Tian-mu Campus.
- Open hours: 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily.
- The club office is for the club to handle club-related affairs, member contact and storage of club information. It shall not be used for any other purpose.
Otherwise, the right to use the office of the association will be cancelled. - The allocation of club offices is based on the club's evaluation results, the size of the club, and the club's usage record. Student clubs are not allowed to change or transfer their offices without permission after they have been assigned.
- The club office shall be always kept neat and tidy. The president shall be responsible for supervising the maintenance of the club office and shall not arbitrarily change the facilities of the club office.
If more than one club shares the same office, they shall jointly assume the responsibility of supervision and shall not shift the blame to each other, otherwise they shall withdraw the right to use the club's office. - If the club cannot continue or is discontinued for any reason, the president of the club should return the equipment to the club within one month. In addition, if the club uses the space, the club members can request for access cards if needed. If the card is damaged or lost and not returned, the member will be compensated as appropriate.
- Property management of the club office
- The property and equipment of the University's student clubs shall be used for the common use of the student clubs.
- Student clubs may apply for property and equipment from the university if they are needed for club activities.
The university will be depending on actual needs and apply for the purchase of property and equipment for the use of student clubs. - The student club's property and equipment shall be kept by the club that has applied for approval to purchase them.
The club shall establish an inventory of the club's property and equipment.
The handover of property and equipment must be completed when the club change president. - If there is any damage to the office equipment, each club shall be responsible for compensation; if the situation is serious, the club shall be disposed of according to the relevant regulations.
The president of the club shall return all the property purchased by the university if the club fails to handle the situation properly. Otherwise, the student shall follow the relevant regulations of the University. - If the property or equipment of a student club is lost, the club shall be responsible for compensation.
- If the property or equipment of a student club has exceeded its age and is unfit for use, it shall be disposed of in accordance with the university's regulations.
The disposed club shall be returned property and equipment to the university. - The university does not permit the placement of dangerous, flammable, or unhygienic items, nor the use of open flames or cooking.
- Others
- In order to maintain the peace and order of the club office, the system of keeping track of club members' behavior is adopted.
- Please refer to " Student Club Office Regulations for Merit and Violations of University of Taipei".
- If there are any matters not covered in these guidelines, they will be handled in accordance with the relevant regulations of the university.
- This guideline will be implemented after it is approved by the Student Affairs Council.
University of Taipei
Student Club Office Regulations for Merit and Violations
- In order to maintain the peace and order of the club office, a behavior record system is used. In the student club office The extracurricular activities team shall issue extra points or demerit points according to the criteria of the situation if the incident is reported or reported and confirmed, If the incident is confirmed, the extra-curricular activities team shall issue a notice of extra points or deductions to the violator for execution.
- The cumulative period for this specification is June 1 of each year to May 31 of the next year:
- If a single member of a club has accumulated -25 or more than -25 points (plus and minus points offset), the member shall not be allowed to use the club office.
- If a single member of a club has accumulated -35 or more than -35 points (plus and minus points offset), the EDA should conduct appointments with clubs the office cadre should conduct counseling appointments.
- If several members of a club has accumulated -80 or more than -80 points (plus and minus points offset), the club will no use of the club office for that academic year and cancellation of the right to use the club office for the next academic year.
- Students who engage in behavior in the club office that violates school rules will be punished in accordance with "Student Reward and Punishment Regulations".
- The following are the criteria for students to receive credit for good and bad use of the club office :
Point |
Plus points Behavior |
Minus points Behavior |
5 Points |
10 Points |
15 Points |
20 Points |
25 Points |
- This guideline will be implemented after it is approved by the Student Affairs Council.
University of Taipei
Student Club Office Merit and Demerit Notification Form
Name of Member |
Student ID No. |
Club Name |
Occurrence Time |
(day/month/year, o'clock)
Occurrence Place |
The Reason of Plus or Minus Points |
Plus Points Behavior: ___ 5 Points, ___ 10 Points, ___ 15 Points, ___ 20 Points, ___ 25 Points Minus Points Behavior: ___ 5 Points, ___ 10 Points, ___ 15 Points, ___ 20 Points, ___ 25 Points |
Disposal Advice |
According to “Student Club Office Regulations for Merit and Violations” to be processed. Plus ______ Points, Minus ______ Points. |
Member (Sign by plaintiff) |
Club President |
EDA of UT |
Director of Student Affairs Division |